Saturday 18 April 2020

Part Two The Proclivity Of The Flowing Tree----- Surviving In a Dream Altered State

So wondrous was the time of thought that nonsense had no play. Even when those conscious said it was for naught. The light of truth flooded over every one, but few recognized the event. To stop the thinking of the daily activities required great effort for some. Its when the thoughts stopped that the reality of all came in. If you were not prepared this could cause great confusion and fear. Just to stop and let the activity flow by without fear and thought was amazing to see. You see the truth. For some it was nonsense.

I learned to let nonsense play through my mind. It took awhile. Most of what I had learned in schools and in society as I grew up had to be discarded. To discard what I was taught to be the truth was hard to do. At one time I considered it to be discarding one truth for another truth. The thought rattling through my mind was causing doubts, making me fearful of the new truths. That's practically the most common activity on the earth, thinking. It when you stop thinking the barricades seem to come down. When your mind is motionless, you become receptive and aware of other things. Things like intuition, and voices of the inner ear. This scare most people and in some cases they become paranoid. They are unable to cope with this kind of activity because people have not been taught about these things. If you still the mind, no thoughts, at times other peoples thoughts can be heard in your mind. It be like your mind is a transmitter and receiver all in one. If the transmitter is on, you can't hear what comes in on the receiver. Shut of the transmitter, stop your thoughts, and leave the receiver on, you will be surprised at what you hear. You will hear the silent thinking of others as they transmit their thoughts.
 Snowing in the mind is like the sands of the desert. Covering all that is distasteful and ugly. Until comes the winds of change, baring all to those who see it as beauty. Beauty in the mind is like statues in the desert. It stands out for all to see and wonder. Who were these gods?
  The sounds of silence can be overwhelming if you are not prepared. It is also amazing to hear. Understanding the sounds of silence. What do you hear in the silence? It depends where you are. In the countryside nature will talk to you if you listen to the silence. In the cities, and in those places where people are jammed together, you can hear their thoughts of emotions and worries building against those thoughts of peace and joy. The whole area takes in that feeling of what most people are thinking and feeling. Every once and a while those thoughts of peace and joy come through like a spark, and is soon suppressed by the thoughts of worries and fears.
Some people feel these thoughts of worries and fears as energy of bad vibrations. They move away to escape this energy of bad vibrations in that particular area.
Their are those who stay behind to help change this energy of bad vibrations into good vibrations, by showing people that what they feel will be the outcome of their lives. It is hard for some to not think and worry about the safety of their children, paying the bills, and of what other people say to you in the sarcastic manner.

The third girl came in. It wasn't really what I was looking for. My thoughts were elsewhere. Still there she was. Her presence commanded attention. She had a beauty about her that had me hypnotized in a forceful way. It was made known that I had to change, still the presence of the third girl was unexpected. No one would believe me if I told them anyway. So, I let it happen in a silent way, without thought.

I pretended it was an illusion. The more I pretended, the more it became real. So, silence of the mind became priority. At first it was hard to do. But it was made known to me that I had to continue, and let it go, if I wanted to survive. I wanted to survive, but later, right now, I am wondering what I wanted to survive from. I was told to let it go. So, now here I am, wondering if their will be pain.


No where was the evening more fun of choice than at the beach. The still warm sand felt comfortable against the bare feet. That's when the cosmos with all its choices came through with all the forces of beauty in its ever presence. The girls in their bikinis, an insight of intrigue. The third girl came from behind and stood beside me. It was time not to think. I could feel the forces of her mind probing the firewalls of my mind. She turned and looked at me with a curious way, looking over my face. Then she turned and walked away, melting like a mist in the air. Still, I had the strong feeling of being watched. A car driving past honked the horn, and I find myself waking up in my bed. So, it was a dream, I am thinking to myself. As I am thinking this, I hear a voice, somewhere say “Watchdog, watchdog”.
 Waking thoughts, waking time is not secure for now all see what is to come. They fear not to happen, as this too will pass.

 See them struggling as they walk the hall of shops, numbed in their senses. All seemingly normal, but in deep of their minds struggles are prevalent to keep from dying. Their emotions well and out, so you see their fears and doubts. Brave faces with smiles. The pain shows through. The firewalls of my mind block the forces of their emotions from entering, still the onslaught is relentless. Sitting back without thought and emotion I remain out of view, for they see naught that I am there. I observe silently as their emotions, fears, doubts, and anger wash over me, around me. I feel the sadness, the happiness, the melancholy all intermingle. I felt the pain rising against the thoughts of my mind. I sent out the laughter of happiness of the universe in my mind. My thoughts became quiet from the intense feelings of the universe as it washed over the emotions invading, beating against my mind. This was enough. I had to leave. The vibrations of my movement rippled through the emotions of the crowd. People looked at me as I came into view. Not all was as it seemed.
Now is it. For now is here now. Now is not there then. Now is here now at the present. The magic is in the now. The now performs miracles. In the here now, not there then. For now is present everywhere. Magic in the now. See the now. Know the now. Now is free with life giving forces present. Cure all. Not then. But now. All is forgiven in the now. So, see it now. Be silent in the now. The now is ever present. Allow the now to be present, to be the magic now.

Oh, white rabbit, see the yellow bird. Not then, but now. Always be the now. Let the white rabbit be. See the white rabbit now. See the yellow bird now. Follow the now. Not the white rabbit. See the yellow bird follow the white rabbit now. The yellow bird knows. The yellow bird is now. Not then. The white rabbit is then, not now. For to see the now watch the yellow bird follow the white rabbit. The white rabbit trembles at the yellow bird. Then and now. All is illusion. All is real. Now.

Suddenly my mind is stirred from the silent. My thoughts of survival start anew. The pain starts. I wonder, where was I? I was in the now. Now, I'm back. The pain is back. I wonder at the pain. I allow the pain to go through me. It is intense. My thoughts go out with emotion.
While in a dream altered reality, I hear one who calls himself Japea Opira, talk of a time when he saw a city in view on the side of a mountain, while walking in the countryside. He went up the mountain to this city, where he saw houses, large castles, and farms with cattle, and crops growing. There was a train, a steam locomotive, that went around the mountain.
Japea Opira went into the city and talked to the people, who were just like him. These people called their city Hong Cheng(?), meaning hung city. The people of the city told Japea Opira that they came from a place very far away, a long time ago. They say the city move by the will of the people at times, but mostly move by the energy particles of the city and its people, moving of its own accord. The people tell Japea Opira that any outside observing of the city while in view, keeps the city and its people in view.
Japea Opira was amazed by all this, and he went to the towns down below in the valley of the mountain, to tell the people of this city on the mountain. The people in the towns did not believe him, until someone brought a telescope to view the mountain.
When they looked through the telescope, there was the city on the mountain. They saw the steam locomotive train going around the mountain. They saw the houses, the castles, the people working in the fields, on the side of the mountain. Other people in the towns got telescopes to view this city on this mountain.
For many years the people in the towns would look at the city on the mountain through their telescopes. After awhile the people in the towns continued on with what they do in the towns, occasionally looking at the city on the mountains through their telescopes.
Then one day some people looked through their telescope to look at the city on the mountain, but the city was gone. Gone were the houses, the castles, the farms, the cattle and the steam locomotive train. Instead what they saw was steep cliffs, and jagged rocks and boulders. People in the towns wondered what happened to the city on the mountain.
Japea Opira told the people of the towns what the people of the city on the mountain told him. Of how the energy particles of the city move on its own accord. That the city, when it is in view, and observed from the outside by others, will remain in view. But when the observing of the city from the outside is not made, or withdrawn in a manner, the city will disappear.
But really what happens, is that the energy particles of the city, not anymore being observed, will of its own accord move on to someplace else. That is the manifested physical image pattern of the energy particles, move on to a different location of their own accord, and of their own accord manifest to view.


Again the third girl walked by, turning her head toward me as she did. All was gone. No pain, no emotion. Her beauty, red wavy hair and the green eyes sparkle, an illusion or real was sent out. Her emotion came through. “You're not in the now”, she said. “Do it now. I'm not real. You are real”. My mind became still in the now. So now I see all around what's in the now. I was silent in the now. No one saw me in the now. I became real in the now. The magic of the now. Oh, there goes the yellow bird. “Be still you, I'm in the now”, said the yellow bird.
Ah, I see, now.


Not once, but twice it happened, not to see what was about. For to watch when they came in, it was all asunder. Not that it was bad, but wanting of grace. Still I sat there not moving. People not seeing as if I'm gone. Mind is silent, so to speak. “Hello”. People jumped. “Where did you come from. How did you do that”. I became silent again, removed from view of all. They screamed. “What happened”. I get a nudge from the universe, “Don't do that again. Not nice”.
I stand in line, I'm nice. I'm waiting for my turn. I am nice. I am silent in mind. I move slowly in line. I am nice. I am waiting my turn. At the counter, they see me naught. I remain nice and silent, watching as others go ahead of me. I am fascinated, I am nice, I am silent in mind. They see me naught. I am alone at the counter. I stand at the counter and watch, waiting my turn. I am silent in mind, I am nice. I speak, asking for a coffee. The attendants jump, startled by my sudden appearance. They stare at me, then hesitantly give me my coffee. I get another nudge from the universe, “You are tripping the edge”. I just want to drink my coffee, I say silently in mind. No answer from the universe, just a thought enters my mind, “Be nice, not stupid”.

 "For the wizard of time sees all, knows all. See the wizard. The wizard knows. Ask the wizard. For the wizard knows. The wizard is talking to you. Can you hear the wizard? Listen carefully, can you hear the wizard whispering? The whispering is the easiest to hear. Can you hear the wizard? Can you see the wizard? Can you feel the wizard? If you look without looking, you can see the wizard. The wizard is there beside you, looking at you. Can you feel the breathe of the wizard? Can you smell the scent of the wizard? The scent of the rose, of the lavender, of the peach. The wizard is right there, right beside you. See?"
Silence, no thinking, quiet time, thoughtless, no sound, hear the lights, hear the silence, pressure builds, tones rising and falling, feel the lights, no thoughts, stop the mind, whispers, first time, keep smiling, God's Angels, watching, cows flying, stillness, no thinking, tobacco, smoke, wondering, non-event, pleasure, thought forms, all, comes forth, all things, good and proper, thoughtless, thoughtful, too full, too less, now, monies coming forth, happiness, peace, joy, harmony, all okay, silence, quiet time, angels watching, God knows, slip into the event, hear now, dreams, be still, stars, earth, silence, be still, hear me, let it happen, give, heart, love, faith, by the power of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, listen to the whispers, close off the noise, it will come, winner, prize, so look, now, peace, Georgia, noun, go forth.

Cold today. Very cold. Very, very cold. I am cold. My mind wanders, thinking of heat, warmth, sun, sandy beach, bikinis. Wow, just because I am cold, I am thinking of girls in bikinis. Yes, I am starting to warm up now. It is amazing. It's magic. Magic of the mind. I wonder how is this so. I think of the magic of the mind.
I wonder how the mind is capable of things far beyond the realm of reality. Not knowing how can generate far reaching effects. See, there it is another reality in the offing. For I just thought it. No people are ever redundant who use the mind of reality. For there it is the chances of lifetimes. It matters naught whether their are ridiculous claims of fraud, for in your mind, all chances to real life. Beware of false gods, for there will be your downfall. Be yourself, and all will be well.
That yellow bird just flew by again. I walk out and not seen is the tantamount of reality in the mind. Except the yellow bird. So, now I sit and see the whereabouts of all as they gather in friendship. My mind is silent as I sit among them, not seen.

In the evening all come through, for the forces of evil were then forbidden. Some trees at the front filtered the thoughts of man. But then all for some, naught for others. The streams of life was there in the evening. When entered into, the streams of time came through. Some knew not all of the effects of man on the streams of time. It was there that forgiveness was prevalent. Now the night came, the birds sing in the air of the ether. Still it was silent, for the the thoughts of man came through to filter out the effects of the birds. The trees know, but it was not without thought forgiveness came through. Some knew of the effects. Others just continued on.

Knowing of all the things around the shop presents some vicious circles of contempt from others. So let it go and move on. For the free benefits of health if you to continue in the realms of thought. Awakening to those thoughts of love and understanding in the way of the things unknown to the public mind brings peace to the mind.
So rich is the morning, alive in the dawn of living. For now is the aspect of all who see what began in earnest, but for the glory of the few. Even then it was not for consequence of the evening shores, where the events began a long time ago.
I wonder about my ancestors. How they look, how they laughed, how their manner of talk was. I wonder about my ancestors, if they had fears or doubts when moving to a new country. If so, what drove them to overcome the fear or doubt. Was it an adventurous spirit, or to escape from a life that was not good. To move into a realm of unknown danger means they did not accept the state in which they lived. They wanted change, and they sought that change without question.

The shores are clean, not with the rampant of the senses, still all has none as they forever more in the dual. See all the ways as has never been, even those who had none. See they are far ever in the midst, as they come about from the streams of time. Then it happens as if they are wanting. Ever when all is secure for the time of the senses. Then it happens to bring the senses clean of the fragrance of earth.
Feeling good is the prime requisite of the space people. If you are not feeling good, check inside the house. Find what is the prime mover of your thoughts. There you will know how to come about. You must come about from the backward ways of society in order to feel good. Be silent in mind, to know the power of the mind.

 Warm today, feels good, bad habits gone. Still is the day of the themes, not yet seen. It is the wishes of the universe for all to have good. Then it happens that all is coming to the end of desire of the flesh. The mind is in command now. Free from earthly desires. The power of the universe fills the empty spaces around and in me, making me silent and quiet of mind to know what is happening. This then is the all of nothing. It is here to free us from troubles that we think are real. But in its place commands freedom of thought , and still in place of all that does not see. It is here now, I let it happen to see what comes about. This is the all of expectation of the senses. It is here for all to see. But they see it naught for some. To busy with the senses of the body. Let it happen as it overcomes the fears, the anger, the doubts around you. It brings peace of mind and joy of the heart. Let it happen. For here it comes, the power of the universe.

The will time of the universe was just beginning to unfold. What was, wasn't. First happenings required a system of laws, or a particular branch of laws. But why? These were all mysteries to the unbelievers. The mystery of the mind was in place. So what? Well if you didn't know, events were heaped on you to make you know. Ah, the blessing of trials and tribulations. That is if you want those types of blessings. Why not a blessing of knowledge, adventure, harmony and wealth. This seems more proper when you think about it. How about a blessing of long life in the physical. But if you are unwell in body and spirit, a long life can be a trial and tribulation. So, be well in body and spirit, and a long life will be an adventure, gaining knowledge, happiness and wealth along the way.


So, now here I am with the rest of the beings and not one is wide awake. I can hear their jumbled thoughts like a low rumbling. Its amazing, this low rumbling, occasionally muffled. Every once and a while I hear their fears, the groaning about their headaches, their overwhelming desire of new things, the fears of uncertainties. I change the awareness of my mind, to shut out this low rumbling, and I hear soft whisperings. The gentleness of it relaxes me.

A phone rings, somewhere. I'm brought back out. Is this real, I think to myself. What just happened? A voice enters my mind, “Hey, you, stop that”.

I walked out outside, not knowing what was coming. For the filter was in effect. It was difficult when the time of arrival came. Not knowing who is who, or why, or how. But then it overcome all substance of abuse earned at the expense of others who know not what come of it all. Free from the filter, I could see the approaching wave changing colour. I shifted my mind awareness to allow the wave go over me with out the pain. Ooh, those inside are going to feel this.
Well, today here it is very cold and windy and my mind is looking about. Something is going on but cannot put my finger on it. Messages coming in every which way. My mind begins to process it all, but strangely becomes bogged down. A flash of light and I find myself standing in a white expanse with no features. I am wondering about this, maybe in a bit of panic. A voice says, “What are you doing”? “What?”, I say. “What are you doing?” the voice says again. “What do you mean?”, I respond. Again the voice says, “What are you doing”? A pinkish/blue swirl appears in front of me. The voice again says, “What are you doing”? “I was just thinking”, I respond. “Why?”, the voice said. “What”? “Why are you thinking?”, the voice said. The pinkish/blue swirl then gave of an aroma of lavender, a hint of pine. I began to relax and wonder at this. The phone rings. I'm back home. I sense a change. I look around, and notice my three cats staring at me. I wonder, what did they see.

Many times forces of the universe overcome obstacles of remembrance. The realms come in to the front of the wilderness, even nothing is there. So when the lights are out meanings of joy come through the pipe. Flowers of mine not who they are, but come in the times. Blowing through the petals, the fragrance is known of the realm. See the beauty in all those who are there. The flowers come out of the ground to show that beauty is present. The mind sees the beauty, and is relaxed in thought. Knowing all is there, brings joy and peace. Fragrance of the thought brings peace to the mind. So now what is there? Who are they? It doesn't matter, for the lights come on.
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I am starting to remember the past that was hidden. Is there a reason for this? Such violence I was involved in. Karma. Right the wrong. Whatever the way, it is known that to advance is to be having knowledge of things past. Sometimes hurts, but helps to know of why I am. This becomes hard to deal as more and more is revealed about me to me. I have seen the loss of others, it is now hard to look at it. I let it go and know what must be done. Showing gratitude for having family and friends. Showing gratitude being in a country of prosperity, free from wars. My thoughts become stilled, as I allow the others to come and chat without expression. Leaving the ones who want to argue. I let it go. I show gratitude for what I have.

The price of the matters came down from high above, yet all seemed great in the eye of one whose only substance was joy. Even the expanse of the greatness of the prairies become obscured over time with the advent of the rice games. So who is to know if the problems of the land is mental or not, is considerable of the fact of love. Let it shine they say. But the darkness comes in, and all is forgotten.
The mind game of the media and the controllers keep everyone busy, not wanting them to see the real world. The real world is visible, just by looking. Eventually what seemed real changes before your eyes. Trees appear in parking lots. People all of a sudden appear as if from stand still. But if the eyes are properly focused you see the vision changes before your very eyes. Best to stand still, and observe quietly before moving. Why is that sidewalk moving? Never mind, stay close to the trees. They know.

Flowers, evergreens, blue trees, the green tincture of the sun, flowing humanity. Currents of time flowing endless journeys. Get on a raft and drift on these currents. Pay attention to what comes up around you. Never mind that it is good or bad. Pay attention, observe. Then ask yourself, “What do I see?. You will see yourself pass by as you drift on these currents of time. Do not be sceptical, do not reject. For it is surely you. Do you like what you see? Do you dislike what you see? Why? Ah, not to worry, for it is surely you. You made it.

I know a man who once met himself. Once thinking about it he became aware that two realities of himself, for a moment, merged together. So, I wonder who made who? Fascinating.
  I felt the thoughts coming through. Some were desperate in meaning, wanting some of release of what they were in. The anger of some beat against the wall of my mind. Knowing what was about it was not hard to keep them from going to mind. I did not prevent them from overwhelming as it would have caused great anxieties of attacks for me. I just sent them on their way without any prejudice. As my thoughts went out, I could feel the questioning wonder, “Who's that?”. But I did not answer. I watched and listened as the great humanity moved about in their own business of life. I could see the angels watching as they stood about out of vision of the humanities eyes. The angels turned and looked at me. They knew I was watching. My thoughts became all a jumble, as I wondered. Is there more than what I am seeing? The angels just smiled and walked away.
Magnificent energy ethers of the universe, rich feelings enjoyed. Peaceful, contented mind continuing in series of echoes through out the Universe wrapped by the energy of the universe. Always the angels allowing room for error and weakness, never to remain for a time against that which discourages approach or attack against the will of the energy force. Existing everywhere in all conditions the ether mind is present to all. Them that receive this useful aid be greatly moved by this force of the universe, present to all at all times. The force of the universe diffuses through the uncultivated and uninhabited regions of men's minds, though they know naught.

The breaking of time indeed it was not of the other. So who was to blame for the disruption. Let it be known the music of the stars overwhelmed all that came through. This species of man was frightening to the natives. The force of the universe let it happen, as to stall was to prevent growth.

I looked into the looking glass, and saw the others of the planet not in time, as if they were stunted. Not all was required, even that what was once the discipline of time lords of the universe. Just be letting it flow over enabled one to survive the rendition of the cosmos in its ever present motion of energy. No thought was considered of preventing. For to do so put one in a state of denial and of death. Watch the stars, you will see them move freely about. “Speak to me”, they say. Be in conscious flow with the force of the universe. Disrupt and you die from the extreme penetration of the energy of resistance, soon, or later. To your aggressor, be still and silent in body and mind by the power of the force of the universe, and you will become invisible to them.
I watched for the yellow bird thinking that it was trying to tell me something. Maybe, maybe not.


Cold outside, wondering inside. Can you feel it? The vibrations are intense. I know its powerful as it beats against the walls. Even the cats are alert. Sitting on their haunches, ears laid back, eyes wide, hunkered down, waiting, for what? The vibrations are strong, shadows moving about.. Ah, its just the clouds moving across the sun. Wait, its dark outside. Their is no sun. Ah, must be a full moon. I laughed out loud. The vibrations go away, and the cats begin to play, chasing each other. I hear a voice say, “I wonder is it ready?”. What? Another wave just passed over, and most don't know it. That last one was really intense. I need to get tobacco. I'm all out.

Who's there? Is that you? What? Never mind. I hear the cries, the yelling, the screeching as I let down the walls of my mind. People really do need to calm down. If I can hear it, imagine what others better than me can hear. Wow. Its okay. It's a good thing I know what is going on, or I'd be in 4 East for sure. Tobacco. Where is my tobacco?

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Winter times now often, in the senses of pretence. It wasn't long till all became null of chance. The wars of heaven became vacant. So the realms of chance came to play. If the mind was good you became wealthy. But steady is the slow, that ever grow. Listen to voices of the universe, as they permeate the realities of life. These are real people in their daily struggle.
The forces of the universe, like a great magnet, attracts and repels. Ever for once is it seen as all encompassing, still here it is affecting all lives, as if it lives in the innermost thoughts of men. Each his own thoughts is sent through this great magnet, and is received elsewhere as redundant thought of others. The worries and fears included in all. You can feel the vibrations of these thoughts as you interact with this great magnet of the universe.----The money is coming somehow.----
Be ready for the great avalanche as it comes into your life. Flow with it, do not resist it. Go where it goes, and let your thoughts of goodness permeate all living space as you flow by. The great magnet will become attuned to the goodness of your thoughts, providing safe passage.

Learning to go inside when your outside, or is it learning to go out side when your inside. I don't know, can never get that straight. Well, it seems the trigger is hear. Not that it will come about, but still be aware of who has their finger on the trigger. Can always remove the finger. You can even remove the trigger. Yep, there it is. No finger, just the trigger. Trigger be gone. Wow, its gone. So, here we are. Can you hear me? Hello? I'm over here. Its amazing moving about, not being seen. What is this? That third girl again. She walked right in front of me, turned and winked at me with a light smile, then walked away from view. What was the reason? Holy crap, there are others! Time to go home. “Watch for that bus on the sidewalk”, the trees are talking. None of this looks familiar. Wow, its dark out. A voice, “Follow the yellow bird”. What? Where is my tobacco? Well, finally I'm home. Where is my tobacco? This has got to be a dream. Right?

The minds of the people send out their thoughts. It becomes to be in the energies of the consciousness. If you listen well, you hear the people talking in their minds. Ah, these thoughts they think. Grandiose, loving, hateful, fearing, wondering, unending they become imprinted into the fabric of the universe for all to hear.
The wizard is out today. Looking about, seeing the insults of the day. Never once accessing the willness of the people. The wizard is watching in the streams of life, not once wondering what is happening. The thoughts of the humans flow by as the wizard skips and dances on the lights of time. The wizard sees the lights and follows the beauty in them until all is lost. Then the wizard moves, on seeing in them the hopes and fears. The thoughts of the humans becomes too much at times, still he follows them about. The telephone rings. Have to learn to turn off that telephone. The wizard then starts to think, sending his thoughts out into the universe. The wizard knows, all is not lost. Even now when the wind blows. The telephone rings again, I come back to my reality.

The next day the wizard becomes in all. Not if, but once at least, they see what they become. By all, it was once just the people gathering about. The wizard comes out when all the thinking stops. Nothing becomes unreal.


Promises of nothing begin with nothing. See nothing, know nothing. If nothing happens, its because of no thing. Have nothing, do nothing, or, do nothing, have nothing. Nothing is no thing. No thing is nothing. Think nothing, there is nothing. Therefore, it is impossible to have nothing.
The wizard stops the flow and sees into the thoughts of others. It becomes unreal in some cases what becomes to be. The wizard starts the flow and watches silently, not letting the thoughts break down its will. For it too becomes naught. With a burst I am back. What was that? A sudden shock. I look about. The wind blows gently, the gentle hum of the city is prevalent. Something happened. The oppression is there. It will probably be on the six o'clock news. Hard not to think now. The wizard is not about. Tobacco. Need more tobacco. There's that third girl again. What the heck is going on?

So now we have it. The power of the universe as it unfolds from time and becomes a divine quality of infinite awareness. It was all that came in the spirit of things.
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The mind perceives all that is coming out of it, not within which it all happens as such. The powers of ease of the mind becomes characterized by refusal to compromise if not let loose. The stillness of the night is what gives peace of mind to all. The coming of the noise within becomes irritable if not let loose. The powers of the mind is loose and free as it perceives all in its glory. The forces of the universe is forever there, all around and in. But still it is not used by the people general, as they are kept busy with their lives. Even this explanation not understood. So, sharpen the pencil. It begins again, over and over. The forces of the universe now beat against my mind. Oh, wait, that's the dog howling next door. Okay, calm down now. Its not as it seems. No, it isn't, even though the vortex is nearby. Wait, I am in the vortex. See, the music becomes visible. The senses grow. All is not as it seems.
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The night is coming for the extended stay. Three moons come out to play. All is well for the mind, not to worry when in thought all to tell. It became worrisome to those not knowing.
The night was still, the blackness receding, that is, their is an ebbing and flowing of the light. People were wondering if all was right. Some know, and just stood in awe, at the whole rendition of it all. A great ball just passed over the sky. It's okay, it is just the sun.
For the want of others it came in. Suspicious lots. No where was it the same for all to see, even though squared of the issue. See, the issue is one of suspicion. People do not see the suspicion rampant as others come through, thoughts arisen in their minds. Their realities impressed upon them by the influence of others. No where was it most then now. The reality of all was foremost if not for naught. Then what? No where was more than in the mind. For there the mind was kept busy, thinking of survival. The power of magic was lost to them. Magic was laughed at. But magic was real. It made things in the real world seem an illusion. For what is illusion but magic in the mind. The illusion was real as was magic in the mind. None saw this for they were busy with survival. None considered the magic of the mind to be powerful.

So, I sat silent, watching as others walked by. No vision of where I sat. They saw naught. Silent and still, my body and mind into one.
Tired of the scene, I stood up and allowed my thoughts of peace and laughter. People walking by became startled as I suddenly appear in their midst. They stared and walked away.

Irish creme cheesecake. Very good. In honour of St Patrick's Day. Is this energy? Thought forms put out to the universe. Why is this? Does it mean something? By thinking about do I give energy? Yes. Somewhere over the rainbow.

So you think it with emotion, now it comes. Beware if you know not the outcome. See if you know that which is not before the action, even if you see the outcome but know naught the freedom of thought. For there it is to come. The thoughts are the energy of the mind that goes out, and beyond the universe in some cases. What is beyond the universe? That which is the same as always, for it dwells in the mind. The mind becomes all of us as we see into the actions of others. Beyond the the universe is beyond the capability of most, for it becomes encompassed by the realm of thought, which is the force of the universe. So beyond the universe is another realm of thought. Remember that song, “Suddenly theirs a valley, where the earth knows peace with man, where friendships never end.”
Their is always a bright tomorrow.
The sounds completing the agenda. Some are for surrounding of the thoughts, so as not to let out. Loud noise subject to suppressing of what comes from the cosmos.

I sit here now, in the back yard, warm sun, intermittent noise, and silence. Yes, the silence is deafening at times. The alpa comes through. I feel the suppressing. I go into the silence, and see the swirling of death that tries to get in. I say hello to it, and it disappears.
I wake up to the sound of a barking dog. Am I really awake? I get up, go over and turn on the lights. Yes, they light up. I am awake. Then I realize that my mind is foggy, like drifting in slow motion. Wait, I'm still in the backyard. What lights did I just turn on?
I turn around and there is that third girl again, sitting in a chair on the grass, with her face turned up into the sun. A voice says, “This is not real. What you see is real. What is real is not seen.” What? The third girl looks at me and fades from view. Yes, I am dreaming. A phone rings, I open my eyes, and I try to get up to answer the phone. I am unable to move. The phone keeps ringing. All of a sudden I find myself among a throng of people walking on the sidewalk downtown. I am unable to feel the cosmos, as I feel the suppressing wave of noise surround us.
I feel a strange pressure on my chest. I wake up again to see the cat sitting on my chest, looking intently into my eyes. The thought entered my mind, “Hey, you. Don't do that”. What?
So, I was really dreaming in a dream, in a dream. I am beginning to think of this dreaming not making sense. The cat, still sitting on my chest, staring at me intently still. Another thought comes into my mind, “What do you think you are doing?” What? I hear a honking of a car horn, and I find myself lying on the grass in the backyard, staring up into the clear, blue sky. Just then I notice the energy wave flowing in, wiping out the suppressing noise. I feel the thoughts of the cosmos come through.

The overlord has been very busy. He is desperate of doing things to keep the throng from noticing. The throng are becoming awake, as if from a dream. They are becoming awake to see. The throng are beginning to see the voices. Unafraid, but perplexed. What was once real, is now not real. The throng look about in wonder, as they see the bright and flashing lights, swirling and rushing by them. The hesitant steps of the throng, as walls disappear, and the thoughts of the cosmos come to view. It is then that it is realized by some of the throng, that the ether of the cosmos can become interacted with.

Things change. Some good. Some not so good. The throng begin to realize that others can be able to hear their thoughts. The throng begin to go about, with the constant jumble of thoughts. The overlord becomes distressed, as the throng start to disappear from his view.

I feel the juice of time flowing through my body, as I sit drinking the double espresso. Yes, the electric feeling, as the low humming of the thoughts of the people around me enter my mind. I go inward to filter the thoughts, as this electric juice of time flowing through, allowed for a pleasant feeling. Not wanting to leave this, I let others thoughts to go on. I feel the rising in emotions of them begin to rise, as this electric juice of time became stronger.
Feeling these rising emotions of greed, lust, fear, anxiety, I let down the walls of mind to see who was about. A voice speaks loud and clear, “How do you feel now”? I jump at this sudden action, causing everyone around to look at me. As my body started to twitch with the increase of this electric juice of time, I notice the third girl over by the corner, staring at me with a smile on her face.
I then hear a siren sound very close to me, and I find myself walking down a sidewalk with an older gentleman, who is talking to me about “the one up there who protects”. Then this older gentleman stops, bids me farewell, crosses the street disappearing from view. I continue walking down the sidewalk, thinking about all this, wondering if maybe it was the double espresso. A loud voice from somewhere says, “No, it wasn't”.

World not ready for the time of peace, will suffer injustice, even if the price is high, the scenes of crime prevail. For troubles it is seen that all eyes are bearing on one who complains about the injustice.

Who said that? Not I. I know nothing.

Ah, but that is impossible not to know nothing. I see nothing. With closed eyes, injustice comes strong. Shield those eyes, the injustice will make you blind. I hear nothing. Yes, the silence is deafening.

Sometime the universe tries to talk to me, when I am surrounded by other people. I have the walls of my mind up, to block the emotions of those around. I feel their emotions pinging against the walls of my mind with a soft thumping. Then it starts, a pulsating tone of about 2000 cycles, intermittent pulsating like that from a ringing telephone.
I let down the walls of my mind, then an onrush of images, pictures, with flashes of lights and colours. The pain rises, then the pulsating tone stops, and all is quiet. Those around me are also quiet in thought, as they all look at me, my whole body twitching like crazy.
I pretend all is okay, when a thought enters my mind, “Trying not to look crazy, makes you look crazy”. What? I hear a sound like thunder, and find myself walking on the sidewalk towards home. The energy wave is becoming more intense after each shift.
Its time to go back to the old replay, I think to myself. A phone rings somewhere, and I find myself waking up on the hammock in the backyard, the air still warm in the setting sun. A squirrel hopping by morphs into the third girl, who says to me, “Everything you just saw was a dream. Even I am a dream. See?” Then the third girl walked away fading from view. I think to myself, now that was a vision.

I go into the house, where the cat sitting on the table, looks at me with big eyes. A thought entered my mind, “It was just a dream”. I look at the cat, and say to it, “Can you read my mind?” Another thought enters my mind, “Don't be such a ninny”.

What seems the prime of existence is not without forethought, even if it was not without evidence that the things around were for everyone.
The sun shines down, very warm, the gentle breeze brings comfort. The thoughts of emotions of the others ping the buffers of my mind. Getting back to the replay mode was essential, as the energy waves became more intense. The overlord waiting in the sidelines for those who make mistakes. I could feel the thoughts of the overlord, as it sent out feelers to probe those unknowing. The unemotional thoughts of the overlord touching the buffers of my mind. My non-response in thought and emotions made for to be invisible to the overlord. The overlord moved on to others, who became emotional in responses and thoughts. Feeding time for the overlord.

Walking down the sidewalk, going downtown, energy about me is intense. Doing replay while walking is tripping. You never know where you may end up. So, I go to the Blackwater, order my dark roast coffee, and sit at a table along side of a wall lined with a bookshelf full of books. Notice several people staring at me, as I sit down to drink my coffee. I think to myself, should I, or shouldn't I. I forgo the what if, and go into the full replay, disappearing from the view of people as I find myself sitting on a bench along the boardwalk, looking out over the river.
A voice somewhere says, “Not now, not now”. What? Where is my coffee? I look around, everything seems to be in order. People walking by, their thoughts all a jumble. I have the feeling that I am really not here by the boardwalk. That yellow bird appears, perched on the wooden fence near where I am sitting. A voice says out loud, “Move over, move over”.
All of a sudden I am back in the coffee shop, my whole body is twitching. A lady is peering intently into my eyes saying, “Are you all right?” The third girl then walks through the open doorway of the coffee shop, stops beside me and the lady talking to me. She looks at me and says, “You tripped at the wrong time. You have to go back”. What?

A car out in the street honks its horn, and I find myself walking on the sidewalk toward the Blackwater coffeee shop. I stop, and look about me, thinking, is this real? The yellow bird then flies by, saying, “This is real, as real as it can be”. So, I go back into the Blackwater coffee shop, that is now empty of customers. I am surprised to see the third girl behind the counter. As she slides a soup bowl size dark coffee to me she says, “Welcome back. No more replays while tripping. Okay?” I nod at her without speaking, take my coffee and go and sit at the same table as before, beside the bookshelf lined wall. I sit, drinking my coffee, wondering what just happened. The shifts are becoming intense, I am thinking to myself.
I hear a phone ringing, and I find myself waking up in my bed, the sun light glaring through the window. My wife appears in the doorway saying, “Are you going to sleep all day? Its nice outside. Why don't you get up?” I lay there thinking, am I really awake? As I look at my wife, she suddenly morphs into the third girl. The third girl says to me, “You don't see me. I'm not real. I'm not here. I see you. You are real”. The third girl then turns and walks away from the doorway.
I then hear this sound. Turning my head to the side, I see my wife laying in bed, snoring peacefully. I think to myself, should I really get up. What would happen if I did? What would happen if I didn't? I hear a loud voice say, “Do it”. What? Do what? My wife still asleep, snoring away. I lay there in bed for awhile longer, thinking, of nothing, my mind blank.
Next I am startled awake by a voice, “Want a cup of tea?” I find myself laying on the the hammock outside in the backyard, the sun sparkling through the trees. “Sure”, I say. Not knowing what really just happened, I go with the flow.

I see naught what others see. Others see naught what I see. I see what I see, sometimes naught. When seeing is naught seen, all can see. See the yellow bird, unseen. The yellow bird sees. Not all see the yellow bird. Some see the yellow bird and say, “Oh, a yellow bird”. See? The white rabbit disguised as a yellow bird. See? The yellow bird sees the white rabbit. The white rabbit sees the yellow bird. The yellow bird sees the white rabbit disguised as a yellow bird. See that white rabbit? Its flying.
As I sit here in the backyard, writing of the latest events, a robin flies in, and sits on the patio table. Then I find myself standing in the midst of swirling, and the rushing by of colourful lights. I feel the sense of comfort, and tingling throughout my whole body. All of a sudden, I feel something tugging at my body. I hear a sound like a siren, then I am back sitting at the patio table, with the robin still there, staring at me. I hear my neighbour with his electric leaf blower. The robin hops off the patio table unto the ground, then turns and looks at me. A thought enters my mind, “Did you see it?” See what? The robin flies away, leaving me wondering, what did I miss.

I continue writing these things down. So as not to forget. As I was doing this, the third girl walked past the end of the driveway, with two bluejays flying about her. I stop writing and wonder, if I am really here, now. I look about me. Everything is calm. Is this real? I open my mind wide open, to see if anything is about. Complete silence.
Then I am startled by a barking dog, and I find myself in the 7-11 store. I am wearing a yellow raincoat. I look outside, and it is raining heavily. The store is full of people buying things. I look about, and shuffle along with the others. I hear their thoughts come streaming into my open mind. A voice says very loud, “Are you ready to do the happy dance?” As I approached the counter, a woman behind it smiles at me, and hands me two packs of Century Sam coronas. Then she says, “Its 20 million tonight”. The cash register starts beeping, and I wake up on the couch. The sun is glaring through the front windows. Not knowing if I was still dreaming, or awake, I lay there, not thinking, and waiting. For what? There is complete silence.

The windows were opened for the time streams. The rushing in made for some uncomfortable feelings. The pain made for some to seek shelter with the pills. No one showed them how to shelter without the pills. For then all was seen of your life without the hindrance of the pain.
Sitting on the front porch, its a warm day. Reading something about the history of the crown. Two girls in shorts and t-shirts, carrying lacrosse sticks, come down the sidewalk, and go into the church parking lot directly across from me. They throw a ball back and forth with the lacrosse sticks. I let down the walls of my mind, and allow my thoughts to go out. What thoughts? "Hello, how are you?"
All of a sudden they stop, and look around. Whoops. I put the walls of my mind back up. A car driving by blows horn, and I find myself sitting at a table at the Blackwater, the third girl sitting across from me, looking at me with a slight smile. She says, “You're getting careless. The overlord can pick that up.” What? Then comes a rising tone, echoing, and I find myself back on the front porch of my house.
The two girls in shorts and t-shirts are gone. I shake my head wondering what just happened. A loud voice, somewhere, says, “You went through a wave transit”. What? I hear a telephone ring, and I wake up in bed. I lay there for a bit, wondering at the reality of the dream I just had. I get up and put the coffee on to brew, go do some more writing, then go out to the front porch while it is brewing. A police car comes up the street, and stops right in front of the house. The police office rolls down the window , looks at me, and gives a half wave, half salute. Then rolls up the window and drives off. A thought enters my mind, “Send it on”. I wonder at this, and go back in the house for a coffee.
Instead of coffee, there is a pot of tea steeping on the counter. I stand and stare at the full pot of tea, and the empty coffee pot. I allow my thoughts to wander, as I wonder what is going on, things like slipping into a different reality. I go to the computer and post my writings after a strong urging to do so.
I am startled by a loud voice, “Go inside now. Quickly, go inside now. Do it now!” I find myself sitting on the front porch, watching the two girls in shorts and t-shirts, throwing a ball back and forth with lacrosse sticks. Again the loud voice, “Go inside now, right now. Do it now!” Feeling a bit apprehensive, I go inside the house and close the door. I look out the window to see two police cars stopped down the street. I wonder out loud to myself, what is going on. A thought enters my mind, “Shhh, the overlord is about”.


The replays don't work anymore. Something to do with the frequency in the air. The overlord can now see the changes in this frequency, caused by the replays, and then knows where you are. How do I know? The yellow bird told me.

When not in the prime of forgiveness of yourself, the things of opportune are missed. Seen in the mist, the time changing, but not without for some reference to the chaos within. Best to see from within, then the colours of chance seem to go thin. Let others who gamble go. Be the force of the universe as it flows through the time gates. Then it becomes your choice. Flow with the changes, as you become aware of the choices. The force cares naught if the choice is good or bad. You live with the choice in the end.

I am sitting at the food court in the Bay Mall. I have my writing pad out on the table, with pencil in hand. I am just sitting, not thinking, just watching the people around me, sitting, moving about. Not many people here. I begin to see their are others, doing what I am doing. Sitting quietly, just watching.
Out of the corner of my eye a man suddenly appears in view at a table right beside mine. He is twitching all over. I remain still and silent. The man looks about around him, still twitching like crazy. I sense he does not see me right beside me. He starts talking, to someone, who? I do not see. I turn my head to look at him. My movement must have brought me to his view, for he jumped. We stare at each other for a bit, then he says, “What in hell is happening?” I said, “Don't fight it. Flow with it”. The microwave at a nearby pizza stand starts beeping. I look towards the pizza stand, then turn back to look at the man, and he is gone. I wonder how many others go through this?

So, now I see with the eyes, but when I see with the wave flowing over the mind, images and bright colours of swirling shapes go rushing by. I stand still, and wonder at all this, the excitement of my mind see these things.
Then I come to a different place. I stand still, look about, then walk about like I belong. Some look at me like I be different. Then I see some others appearing the same way. Some walk up to me and smile, then walk on. Sounds of tones, as such, bring in another shift. Then I go to another place. At first this was all troubling. But now, its okay, as I feel the wave rippling through the air. Sometimes the wave ripples through like a green, orange and red.
Even though I come back, I?......yes, it looks right, but feels different. The endless journey, to where? Feeling the senses of time I come in, feeling the cold through the wave as it drops me into this place. People walking by jump at my sudden appearance. I pretend as though things are okay, and walk down town among all these people. I notice some look about with the furtive eyes. Its then that I see, more like notice, that these people, too, have been dropped by the wave. So, I do not feel so alone. I wonder how they feel?

The realms of power are not seen by most within the confine of the prison. Since all feel pleasure, of some sense, none feel like rebelling. For if they do the pleasure stops, and the pain begins.
Holy cow! What is that raven doing near the yellow bird? I see the wave pattern begin to change. The overlord has a new trick. So, now what does this mean? I let the walls of my mind down, and send out the thought of questioning wonder. The raven looks at me, then flies away. Ah, I see we now have a spy in the midst. The yellow bird.

Whiteflower, orange, Texas, mine, seaflower, jesus, sojourn, mice, nice, sour, fastidious, cowboys, flow, florence, outlaw, seethru, forever, waters, rescue.

Dreaming of dreams. Not in the mind of redoubt, though all was seen through the eclipse. Waking up from the dream of the dancing gorilla, I see the others standing about along the sidewalk, staring at me, as if I was an unknown. Thinking to myself, surely this be a dream. Not wanting to attract further attention, I stood still, backed up against a wall of a store front. Still, the crowd gathered, whispering, and pointing. Wondering what they were looking and pointing at, I turned to look at the reflection in the store front window. I saw that I was completely naked. Just for a moment, I felt embarrassed. Then I thought to myself, its all good. Its only a dream. A girl in a bikini comes out from the crowd of people, and stands in front of me. She says to me over and over, “What are you doing? What are you doing?”
I become fully aroused looking at the girl in the bikini. The girl in the bikini sees this, and slaps me where I am fully aroused. All of a sudden I see an onrushing and swirling of different colours.
I wake up to find myself lying in the middle of the street downtown. I look and I see that I am fully clothed, in a winter coat, wearing work boots and a woollen toque on my head. I feel the cold air, as I see a policeman bend over me saying, “Just lay still. The ambulance is on its way. That was quite a wallop you got”. What?
This must be a dream. I look over to the side and see a woman crying. I heard her say to another policeman, “I didn't see him. He just appeared out of nowhere”. I began to wonder if this was a dream, or if I just went through another shift. The question I begin to think is, shift from where?
But, because I am unable to do the replay, makes me feel that this is a dream. I hear a siren getting closer and closer. All of a sudden, the swirling and rushing by of different colours comes, then I find myself standing in a field that appears to have just been ploughed. I look about me just turning my head, for something of a great urging says not to move.
I see a farm house, and a barn close by. I see a van nearby with the name BELL on it. It is parked near a large metal object. I see a man working there, hunched over. Then with a flash of blue-white light, the man disappeared. A few seconds later there is another flash of blue-white light, and the man reappears.
The man appears to be troubled, as he puts his arms over and around his head. Then the man quickly puts some stuff, that was on the ground beside the large metal object, into the van. The man then gets into the van and drives off down the road. I look at the man as he drives by near where I am standing by the road, and I see that it is me.
This causes me to think about all of this. A loud voice says from somewhere, “Wake up. This is not a dream. You made this”. What?
I hear a shrill whistle, and find myself standing inside a building full of electronic equipment. I am standing beside an office desk, where a man is sitting in a rolling chair. The man jumps at my sudden appearance beside him. We stare at each other for a bit.
I realize right then that I had entered another reality shift. The man I was staring at looked like me.
I say to this other man who looked like me, “Hello , welcome to the real world”. I did not know if this was the real world. I just say that, because I did not know what else to say.
Another man sitting at another nearby desk looks up and says, “Who are you talking to”? I look at this other man who looks like me and say, “I am not really here. Only you can see me”.
A bell starts ringing inside the building somewhere, and then I am standing on the Front Street boardwalk, looking out over the river. I don't move, knowing a shift has occurred. I smell the warm air. I hear the motor traffic on the street go by behind me.
I slowly turn my head and see the man who looks like me walking down the boardwalk toward me. His even walking stride falters to hesitant steps as he looks at me in recognition. “Robert, is that You?”, he says. “Hello . How is everything?”, I say.
Its amazing to be talking to yourself. People walking by know naught that I am there. They only see the man who looks like me talking, seemly, to himself. I explain to this man what is happening. “Be careful who you talk to, so as not to be seen as crazy.” The man goes silent, thinking.

I wake up in my bed to the sound of an alarm clock. My wife gets out of bed, shuts off the the alarm clock, then leaves the bedroom. I remain in bed thinking of what just occurred. Was it a dream? For I do remember these things as happening before.

 Working in the garden as the tones came in. Stopping to listen, I could feel the pressure in the air change. Looking around I saw the wave approaching. I stood there and let it go over me without thought, without moving, without resistance. The intense colours came rushing and swirling by me. The tones stop, the rushing and swirling colours gone. I found myself standing in the mall, surrounded by people walking around me. Some looked at me as if I was strange.
I started walking with the crowd of people so as to blend in. I turned to look at myself in one of the glass window reflections. My white t-shirt dirty, pants covered in dirt, and I was wearing rubber boots. This is interesting, I thought to myself. I continued walking, wondering what was going to happen next.
I go to walk outside to sit on one of the benches, just to watch. As I walked through the outside doors, I found myself walking down the sidewalk on my street towards my house. I heard a voice somewhere saying, “You tripped it wrong. You are getting sloppy”.

Just then the tones came back, along with the rushing and swirling colours of shapes flowing by me. All of a sudden I am back in the garden in the backyard. I stand there, look up into the clear blue sky, thinking of it all.

 I hear the tones rising. Thinking a dream is in motion, I go into the scene, letting the tones rise. A beeping sound wakes me. The next door neighbour locking their car, as I hear the car door slam with a thud. I lay in bed in silence. Am I still dreaming? The tones are gone. All is quiet.

I feel the cold, as I walk down the sidewalk, cars going by me on the street. Where am I? Where am I going? I look about as I walk, looking for something that I recognize. I keep walking. The darkness of the night sky, the bright street lights. I start to shiver from the wind and the cold. Where am I? A voice, somewhere, says, “The emotions come high. You tripped. Calm down”. What? The tones come, with the swirling and rushing by of the different shapes of colours. I find myself standing in line at a Subway store. I look over at a mirror on a wall. I am bundled up in a parka coat, a scarf wrapped around my face and neck.
The girl at the counter says to me, “Can I help you?” I undo the scarf around my face, undo my parka, and go with the flow. I order an assorted cold meat sandwich. I go to pay for the sandwich, and my hand pulls out a wad of cash, wrapped in a roll by an elastic band, of twenty and fifty dollar bills. I hand the girl a twenty dollar bill, and tell her to keep the change.
I walk out the door of the Subway store, and onto the front porch of my house. I look around back behind me, and there is only the silence of the empty street, the dark of the night, and the cold wind. I open the front door of my house, and walk into the living room, the pole lamp is on, the black cat in the middle of the floor looking up at me with big eyes.
A thought enters my mind, “Where have you been?” I am not sure I think to myself. The black cat jumps up onto the arm of the sofa chair, and taps my arm with a paw. Another thought enters my mind, “Are you alright?” I am not sure.

This was not a shift, I think to myself. Maybe its only a dream. The black cat again taps me on the arm with its paw, as another thought enters my mind, “Yes, that is it. It is only a dream. You tripped in a dream”.
Then I hear a loud voice, You need to wake up now. There is someone in the house”.
I hear the baby crying, and I find myself sitting at my desk, in front of the computer, eating my Subway sandwich. I pause to wonder, and to think to myself, “Wow, deja vu”.


 Be careful who you talk to. It may seem by chance or coincidence, but really it is not. Secrets can be revealed this way. Just by observing, sitting, watching quietly, things unknown can be revealed to you.
When things are revealed to you in the quiet way, it is best not to react, or respond with the emotions. For even though it may be revealed to you, things of secrets can make you ill of health, when responding with emotions.
Things of secrets may have been revealed to you for a reason. Look carefully for the reason. Let it become knowledge without the emotion. Then you will know what to do, when the time comes for the reaching of knowledge, who to watch out for.
Yes, be careful who you talk to, when knowing the things of secrets. The movies, music, and........stuff. Don't become a cheeky monkey, chatter, chatter.

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

 Sitting in the backyard smoking my pipe. The snow blowing about. The cold making to the bones. The thought came over me, “what are you doing?” Sensing a presence, I stand and look about. The cold creeping to the bones. I hear a baby crying. I turn towards the sound, and stare into a blazing sun on the horizon. A sudden overwhelming warmth takes over from the cold. I am now standing on a sandy beach, that curves in an arch. I smell the fragrance of the air, like flowers in a garden. I am standing there, in my winter coat, the melting snow dropping onto the ground.
I undo my coat because of the warmth. I look about around me, and see behind off from the sandy beach trees and high grasses. So, now where am I?
The continuation of the next wave, the unpredictable result. No voices, just the soft rustling of the waves onto the sandy beach, the hissing of the trees and the high grasses from the warm breeze. I lay down on the warm sand, and close my eyes.

A sound of a car horn wakes me up. I am sitting on the bench in the backyard at home, my pipe sitting in my lap covered in snow. The cold of the cold, and of the wind. My mind and body are numb from the cold. I slowly get up, the layers of snow flaking off me. I struggle to go into the house, where the warmth is calling me.
In my mind I miss the voice of the third girl. A loud voice from somewhere says, “I miss you to Robert. It's time to come in from the cold."

The outer reaches come to me like the wisps of smoke. I hear the voices of others, the emotions of their cries, the hatred, the fears, the distress. It filters through the time. My mind fills with the wondering, who are they? Where are they from? The momentary flash of sight fills the mind. I see the dying, the fires, the explosions. I feel the overwhelming distress come through. I start to feel despair.
The voice of the 'third girl' comes through. “Okay Robert. That's enough. Time to go to bed. It's time to dream”.
The flash of sight is gone, and all is quiet. The silence itself becomes deafening, after the thunderous noise. I go in the house, undress, pour a glass of whiskey, wondering about what I saw and heard. I begin to write it all down, but it all becomes naught, as the blanket of silence came over like a shield. Only the ticking of the clock is heard. The screams of the dying become no more.

I wrote another article on the rumor site. Much delay in doing so, as the emotions of others on the rumor come through. I post and withdraw quickly. I could feel the overlord searching. I could feel the prompting of a thought come through, “Robert, let's not get careless”. Yes, I go to go back to the old replay to hide, but for naught. The intuition coming from out there, to stay silent.
The overlord is becoming desperate. I close up my mind. I feel the soft thumping against the walls of my mind. I don't answer.

 The subconscious mind, part of the universal mind of God, was never born and will never die. It is now the dawn of wisdom, the awareness of the extreme greatness of the spiritual powers in your subconscious mind, and to know of how to use these powers for a full and happy life.

 I am without. The cold is overbearing. I stagger along the sidewalk. The darkness of the night feels cold against the cold. I stop and look about. Where am I going? Things do not look right. I continue walking by the houses on the street. Some lights are on, but no one is seen. It is like been deserted. Is this a dream. I continue walking, my feet getting heavier to move. I stop and look about me some more. I feel lost, wondering what to do.
I see the third girl walking towards me on the sidewalk. I stare at her, as she comes up to me and says, “Are you lost?” "Yes", I say. She takes me by the arm and says, “Come Robert, I'll help you get home”. “What is your name?”, I say to the third girl.



The Proclivity Of The Flowing Tree----- Surviving In a Dream Altered State

The Proclivity Of The Flowing Tree

Surviving In a Dream Altered State



  To be visualized as an experience in fiction, solves the problem of realism, or to be visualized as an experience in realism which is fiction realized.


 How long has it been----30 years?

So now here I sit watching the forces of the universe flow in the ethers of space. They, who, I don't know, look at me in an inquisitive way. I remain motionless and silent in body and mind. They move on, disinterested in this being who sits unresponsive. The forces seek out those who are in want. Whether it be good or bad, it matters not to them.

 For, which of what not, if, in the things of time, is it all good. This then is of the walls of silence to be in the realm of the conditions of the party. See the walls come down, for now is the time of consciousness to be seen in the flow-ers. This then is all for want of love. Hate comes forth in absence of love. Not knowing what is. Help is on the way for those who want help. Good or bad. It matters not who you are. Let the realm of the birds be seen. The music is trembling into a crescendo of noise of the universe. It is distinctive. All is alive with energy.

The flow-ers of the evening watch what was once the prince of light in that all was known. Peace in the evening makes stillness of heart and mind. Watch out for the hatred of those not knowing. Move on. Never mind them. Watch the flow-ers of the evening as they watch. They know. For all knowing flows through everything. What that means is your troubles and yours fears are known throughout the universe. Worrying about your troubles and your fears make them stay. Let them go, and all will be well.

Sacred burial ground of advanced Indian tribes. Awareness and intention, is it here or gone? Some walk the streets with intention for awareness. They are not knowing, but are looking. They see what goes by. Is it good? Is it bad? They wonder if they are insane. If so the world has gone crazy.

They are looking for the awareness of the insane. For the insane truly are aware, but are lacking intention. They fold up under the complacent society. Some break free with intention, and they know what has happened. For it is not without guilt that they see for what is going on around them. For they were one of them at some other time.

They know that to survive is to become aware and then act to break free. Break free so that the mind can hear. Silence the mind so that you can hear the awareness. Let not the troubles of the earth stop you from awareness. For that is what the powers of the earth want you to do.

They want you to not be aware, so that you will not know. And when you know, you will see what is happening with your awareness. It is wonderful to be free from the thoughts of the powers of subjugation. For then you have the power, like that of the powers of God, the powers of magic. Peace be unto you.

 Well, I finally came in from the cold. It was nice to be in a different location. The trees sang to me, allowing the pervasive influence of the lights to come through. People here did not seem to notice I was about them. At first it made for a difficult time, not knowing which one of them I was to talk to. Still it was nice to be here. The light was a lot better. It made for a better climate than where I was before. People walking by not even noticing my presence allowed for some humorous interludes. The light shifted at times causing me to appear all of a sudden, which startled some. Especially if they were checking themselves out in an inconspicuous way. Then the light shifted again and I blinked out. This made for a humorous observation as the people looked startled and looking as if they did something immoral.

I was standing on the sidewalk, my back up against a wall of a building, watching as the people walked by. A girl walked by me, turning and smiling at me as she did. My heart jumped and for a moment I felt as if I was caught in an indiscretion. The girl walked on, not even looking back. This is what happens when you come in from the cold shift. You never know what the influence will bring, or who is watching.

Most people never notice when the light shifts. They carry on as always. Some may notice a difference, then they will stop and look around, searching for they know not what. They just felt a difference of everything about. Not seeing or knowing what was about, they carry on, with whatever they were doing. Then their were those who like me came with the shift. After awhile you get use to this shifting of the light. First you observe before making any moves. You could always tell the ones who just came through the shift. Standing, not moving, and just looking around before moving about. You never know when that sidewalk you were walking on before the shift, turns into a freeway after the shift.

No matter how many shifts I go through in a day, I always end up back where I started. What may seem like a month is actually only a day. What seemed like a month in the cold was mind numbing. It was nice to be back in familiar surroundings. I hear a phone ringing somewhere, and I find myself lying on my back on the grass in my back yard. I voice yells out from the window of the house, “Do you want a beer?” “Sure”, I say. I just go with the flow. Its just another shift.

I opened up the buffers of my mind fully, allowing all to come through. The stillness of the night was punctuated by the chirping insects. I wonder how long I've been here laying in the grass. I try to remember my last point, before going home. Something about a sidewalk that turns into a roadway. Looking up into the night sky I see a light flare brightly, dim, and then move off to the side. The overlord is scanning for thoughts.


I stand up just as a voice from the open window says, “Whatcha ya doing? Want to come out and play?” “Sure why not.” I go with the flow. I turn around and there is Rheta with the third girl. “What in sam hill are you doing?” Rheta says. Oooh, Rheta found me. I go to full replay mode going back to another reality. Like the synapses in the brain stops working, and the brain goes to automatic, of a last play of a scene.

I am now standing by a pay phone up against a wall of a building. I see the wave bits flowing in just as the payphone rings. I answered the payphone just as the wave bits flowed over me. A voice on the phone says, “What you see is not really here”. I hang up the phone, and stay where I am until the wave bits pass. Its not good to move about when the wave bits are flowing. Strange, there is nobody else around. The wave passes and I find myself walking in a crowd of people on a busy city sidewalk. I see the overlord standing off to the side, scanning for thoughts. I keep my full replay mode going. I sense the overlord knows I am here, but he cannot find me as my replays are in full swing.

The third girl kept popping in and out of view from the throng of people before the parade of just measures. Even though the replay was in motion, it forever kept me silent of mind. For to do otherwise would bring the overlord to bear on the justice of the people.

He was looking for me because I had the replays in motion, which prevented all to see the wrath of the overlord. Except when the wave bits came, then the pain was theirs to bear. My replays could not prevent for them during the flowing of the wave bits. The people themselves had to learn to do the replays to escape the pain of the wave.

 All was confusion when the replays first began. The overlord not knowing who was about then. The overlord knew that the wave was powerful, and used the wave bits to confuse the people. Their thoughts went out for the overlord to see. Then the overlord knew what the people were doing and thinking. But the wave bits were interfered with when they came through. It was the universe responding to the will of the people, even though the people not knowing they had that power against the overlord. The overlord gave out his wrath to confuse the people. It was then that some came upon the replays that affected the wrath of the overlord. Those that knew the replays tried to show the people this venture, but they were too confused by the wrath of the overlord. So those people confused bear the pain when the wave bits came, instead of side stepping with the replays so as to remove themselves from the wrath of the overlord and the pain of the wave bits.

Strange things happen when in replay mode. It was not as if all was knowing, for that was true, but the events brought forth the spirals of time to free the peoples of their trials and tribulations. The all was knowing in replay mode, so it was that the cosmos brought forth the goodness of times to those in the path of the replays. Through the cosmos all is right in the proper way of things.

The overlord cannot see me when I bring myself to replay mode. The time, as such, is different. When in replay mode all time is one. The past, present and future is all one, which the overlord cannot see through this. The replays bring that forth for those to know. How were the people to know that time, as such as past, present, future, together began in replay mode, when the wrath of the overlord was in force upon them. The overlord did not want people to know the replays, for then the overlord would be exposed because he could only be in one time. The overlord would become powerless against the people in replay mode.

So, now here I sit on the bench by the payphone on the boardwalk, in full replay, watching the overlord watching the people, looking for me. All is good within the cosmos in full replay. A payphone rings nearby, it brings me out of replay mode. To stop the interruption I answer the payphone. There is silence. I am brought to the present in time. Now what? I am in the house. No else around, except for the cats. They are scratching at the food box, wanting to be fed. I feed them, then go outside in the backyard, and water the vegetable garden, while at the same time going into replay mode just in time as I see the wave bits approaching. I pop out and let the wave pass. One of these times the wave is going to get me real good. Its important to pay attention of what's around one.

 It was the related bits that came down. Who was to know? When it happened, all were surprised. Still it was already in the works. That 'third girl' keeps walking by, looking at me. What is going on about that? A disruption of the works? The disruption was noticeable even after she left. The beauty of her walk caused quite a stir. Then the overlord came in and forbid everyone to stay. That was a commotion that would not be allowed. But my mind was already in full replay. Had to watch, though, that I did not forget where I was. The replays were in full swing when the first wave swept in. I almost forgot to move over. Now that would have hurt. Not to mention that everyone would have then known where I was. Must start to pay attention.. The overlord would have wanted all thoughts of the 'third girl' countermanded instantly.

Luckily I was able to pop in and out. Not like some of the others who had to stay and bear it all.
I let the wave flow over me without resistance. It didn't even know I was there. I waited without thinking until all was done. Then I came out and let the replay continue.

I let the wishing ring resolve it all. Not that I could feel the effects of thought. But the ring comforted. It saw the thoughts of my mind and made it so. There's that yellow bird again. Where did it come from? The phone rang, waking me from the reality. Now where am I? I answer the phone sitting on the table. Silence is all I hear from the receiver. So, now where did they send me?

A woman in another room yelled out, “Want a coffee?” “Sure, why not”. I go with the flow as always, not knowing where I am. I could feel a breeze from an open window, as I saw myself walking into the kitchen, that then faded to white. The wave bits had hit me.

“My thoughts are your thoughts”, said a voice. What? I observe the swirling lights rushing by me, through me. I revert back to my sanity, and do the replay. Even there the anger and fear from the outside seeped in. It was just a matter of time before the yellow bird would fly by. It always does. Then the 'third girl' walked into view and stopped in front of me. “What are you doing?”, she is saying over and over. The third girl is soon replaced by a man yelling at me, “Get out of the way”. I am standing in the middle of the road. I walk onto the sidewalk, and back up against the wall of a building. People are rushing about in confusion, looking about. I go into full replay, disappearing from their view. I hear a car horn, the view is turned off, and I am back home.

“My thoughts are your thoughts”, said a voice. What? I observe the swirling lights rushing by me, through me. I revert back to my sanity, and do the replay. Even there the anger and fear from the outside seeped in. It was just a matter of time before the yellow bird would fly by. It always does. Then the 'third girl' walked into view and stopped in front of me. “What are you doing?”, she is saying over and over. The third girl is soon replaced by a man yelling at me, “Get out of the way”. I am standing in the middle of the road. I walk onto the sidewalk, and back up against the wall of a building. People are rushing about in confusion, looking about. I go into full replay, disappearing from their view. I hear a car horn, the view is turned off, and I am back home.

There is a sign I once saw, “Home is where the heart is”. To me, home is where the mind is. My mind is now home, in my mind. The silence of the foregoing, of my mind, home, in my mind. I stay there, allowing the silence of it all to permeate through. I don't allow myself to dwell long in my mind with the silence. For the shock of reality when I leave my mind is deafening. It is there that I dwell in my mind for respite only, to retain a semblance of sanity for when I leave my mind. Aah, all is good. I feel the buffers of my mind being pinged by the emotions outside. The low thumping of the outside emotions against the buffers of my mind, it almost puts me in a state of peace.

After some time, ---how long, who knows---I open the buffers of my mind slightly to see what is going on outside. I am laying on the grass, in a backyard. What backyard? Where? I feel the coolness of the air, I see the moon full in the night sky. All seemed to be still.

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, their was a man who worked for the telephone company. This man worked many years at the telephone company, and over time became proficient in the many aspects of his work at the telephone company.
One day this telephone man had to do some work out in the countryside on a piece of telephone equipment that was enclosed in a big metal case. The work that was to be done was only to be done at night time, when there was less telephone traffic running through this equipment. But this telephone man did not want to work at night, so he developed a way of doing it in the day time without anyone knowing he was there.

So, this telephone man arrived at this piece of telephone equipment in the country side, parking his truck beside it, just off a paved road. About a hundred feet away was a house and a barn, the adjoining fields had been freshly cultivated, and in one field could be seen the sprouts of winter wheat coming through the ground. The telephone man prepared to get things ready to work on the telephone equipment, for he had to change a printed circuit board inside it, which involved a momentary interruption of telephone service through the equipment. He took a big metal case out of his truck that contained spare printed circuit boards, and he took out his testing meter and placed them on the ground in front of the telephone equipment. He unlocked and opened up the doors of the telephone equipment, quickly bypassing the door alarm circuit to stop it from being sent to the telephone company's control centre in another city. For he did not want anybody to know he was there, because what he was doing was against regulations. The telephone man then took his testing meter to take certain measurements, so that he could do a before and after comparison tests, just to make sure that everything was okay after he changed this particular circuit board. The telephone man was hunched over with test probes in his hands ready to take measurements, when the telephone equipment in front of him disappeared, along with the hydro panel beside it. Gone also in this same instant was the house and barn, and the adjoining cultivated fields, and the metal case containing the printed circuit boards, his testing meter, and his truck. He looked and saw that he was standing in a field with long grass and trees, and beside a dirt trail ten feet away.

Still standing hunched over, he saw a horse and buggy coming toward him on the dirt trail. The horse was at a slow trot, not really running fast. A man on the buggy had a dark coat and pants, white shirt, something like a bow tie, and a wide brimmed black hat. The buggy with four wheels had a top on it, but was open all around the sides. The telephone man caught the eye of the man on the buggy. As the horse and buggy got closer and closer, the man kept turning his head towards the telephone man standing, hunched over in the field. Likewise, the telephone man kept turning his head as the horse and buggy got closer. It appeared that the telephone man and the man on the buggy were eyeball to eyeball staring at each other. Just as the horse and buggy got up to ten feet away where the telephone man was standing, both men staring at each other in wonder, the horse and buggy with the man on it was in an instant replaced by a garbage truck going the other way on the paved road.

The telephone man looked, and there was the telephone equipment, his testing meter with the test probes back in his hands, the metal case with the printed circuit boards, his truck behind him. There was the house and barn a hundred feet away with the adjoining cultivated fields. Gone was the man with the horse and buggy.
The telephone man became perplexed, not understanding what had happened. After a moment the telephone man packed up his testing meter and the metal case with the printed circuit boards and put them back in his truck. He then closed the doors on the telephone equipment, making sure that he removed the bypass of the alarm. He got into his truck and drove to a certain restaurant, and stayed there for a long while, drinking coffee. The telephone man had become fearful of what just happened. For a bit, he even thought God was punishing him for not following regulations.

Returning to work in the following days, the telephone man became very careful at what he did----following all the rules and regulations. For his thinking was he did not want to be punished by God again. He did not want his family and friends to disappear from his life. He told no one about what had happened, for he was afraid, and still did not understand. In the weeks that followed the telephone man would at times think about what had happened on that day. He became less fearful of what happened, but became more curious of how this thing could have happened.
About six months or so later, this telephone had to go back to this particular piece of telephone equipment in the country side. His supervisor wanted him to check the cooling fans and the heater of the unit. When he arrived at the place his thoughts went back to what had happened before. It was at this time a sudden realization came over him.
For he suddenly realized that at that time six months before, the telephone equipment, his testing meter, the house and the barn with the adjoining cultivated fields, that they all didn't disappear at all. They were always there where they were suppose to be, just as he first saw them. The telephone man suddenly realized that he was the one that disappeared and returned.
This realization astounded the telephone man. This caused confusion in his mind and he was unable to think clearly that day. He was suppose to check the cooling fans and the heaters of the telephone equipment, but he never did. He was to confused and upset. The telephone man lied when his supervisor asked him if he had made the check. The telephone man said he did, when he knew he didn't. The telephone man waited for God's punishment to come back because he lied.
But it never came.
Over the months that followed the telephone man had become more aware of what was happening around him. He became aware of things changing. He observed these changes, learning not to be afraid. He observed the changing of the changes. Getting up and going to work every day became hard to do. The telephone man's mind became preoccupied with these changes that were going on around him, and of the past event. For the telephone man kept wondering where he went at that time. He kept wondering that if the man with the horse and buggy were real, he wondered what the man thought he saw standing, hunched over in the field. The telephone man kept wondering where he himself disappeared to. Two years had passed when again he realized that all the changes, and the changing of the changes going on around him was not seen by most other people. He learned to not to talk to other people about these changes going on around him, for on those times that he did people thought he was crazy, with flights of fairy tales. But to the telephone man, these were not fairy tales. The telephone man saw things that most other people did not see. He heard things that most other people did not hear. He saw different people that most other people did not see. To the telephone man he would be talking and laughing to some man or woman. But to others the telephone man would be seen to be talking and laughing to himself.
So, the telephone man learned, so as to avoid the stares and pointing fingers, to quietly observe all that was appearing and disappearing before him, and wonder in fascination at those who nod and smile at him. The telephone man wondered. "Am I real, or imaginary?"

You never know who or what is beside you, maybe watching to see if you notice them. These shapes and figures moving out of the corner of the eye are real. Be calm and still as they gambol about you. Some even try to talk to you. Being still while this occurs becomes a benefit, as people will think you are crazy. For someone that is sitting and talking to you, may not really be there to others about you. Sometimes these unseen shapes and figures will make you burst out in laughter, making other people really think you are crazy. Oh well, not to worry.

Yes the flash pictures do come. I see them. They start off as shadows moving at the corner of the eye. I turn to look, and nothing is there. But if I discipline myself to not to turn to look, but just remain still, and let the shadows move at the corner of the eye as an observation, things become more clear at the corner of the eye. The shadows turn to pictures that expand and become clear.

Sometimes these shadows move all of a sudden, unexpected, right in front of me. It makes me jump with a start. This change in emotion seems to cause the shadows to be removed from view, and cause other people about you to begin to look at you in an uncomfortable way. I watched the energies flowing about me. My mind troubled at first, came down when stillness became part of the way. Seeing while still in mind was extraordinary. The energies flowing over left an imprint of all that was there. I could feel the emotions of others, and I had to be aware not to become attached. I could actually become invisible to it all. Those who are lonely do not know how to interact with the mind. For the mind can take you to places of extraordinary beauty. It could all become real.

Perfection of the mind withdraws inward at times, not always willing to support the virtues of silliness within. For perfection of the mind consumes passionately all that as with as in front of it, even if it counsels against heaven sent of the time.
So now what? If it is time, do it. Why wait. For the perfection of the gospel is within, not overly sensitive to those of crime. So go ahead. If it happens that justice prevails in the meantime, so the better. For it is not good to wait. Go out to the stars. The stars are waiting to guide you. Understand that this is the reason for further understanding of the guidance available to you. If you falter from the guidance, expect judgement of trials. It is to make you see.
The mind can create any reality you want. It is like waking up from a dream in a dream. You think you are awake, but then you find you are awake in a dream. So in this dream you do things that you would not do while awake. But then how do you know if maybe you are awake, and not in a dream. How do you know that you are not dreaming now? Are the lights on or off in the house? Can you turn the lights on or off in the house? Can you even find the light switch? Can you read a newspaper? Can you fly? Can you see? What?
So, as I walked across the open field, I notice strange walls appearing, growing into the sky. Other people were about, pointing at these strange walls. These people noticed other people walking through the walls to the other side. Some people's thought of how this was done made for a commotion. People running about, trying to find a way out. Some people were standing still, and saw things that the others didn't. Then these people realized they were dreaming, unable to wake up. All these people in my dream, dreaming. Then a voice says, “What you are dreaming is not a dream”. What?

Welcome to the world of light changes. To stand in these changes is to bath in the glory of ever changing reality. Just when you think everything is quiet and settled down, along comes another shift. Chaos brings changes that at first be unsettling, then the renewal begins. Learning to become invisible to the chaos lets the energy shift flow over you, around you, and through you, without getting hurt. Learning not to fight the chaos brings the renewal in quicker. Fighting the changes brings you into direct contact with the energy flow of the shift in a painful way. You fight it, you get hurt in a very painful way. The chaos feeds on the resistance. The resistance can be mental, emotional, or physical, or all three combined. Oh yes, our mental institutions, our hospitals, our prisons, are full of people who have resisted the chaos, and then been affected by the sweeping energy that comes through. They have not been shown how to become invisible to the chaos, not be overcome by the effects of the energy changes.

The ones that do know bring the chaos to fight itself, bringing the chaos to greater light, letting the energy wave flow without resistance from them, allowing the chaos to meet with resistance the renewal of the energy wave in a painful way. Chaos then turns in on itself with pain, fighting the pain. It will die, melted by the energy wave.
The quiet before the storm. Feel it, see it, understand it. Then when the chaos of the storm come, your resistance, and the instinct to fight diminishes greatly. The energy wave brings your renewal at a greater pace. You feel rejuvenated in body, mind and spirit.

Ever wonder about the stars? Are they real? For not when are they real? Passions are in the stars. Laughing and singing. The stars are real, real of life. Life is the substance of the stars, without which they would die.

All things look different from that point of view of the inside. Your wife becomes a goddess. The grass is blue. The sun is still orange. The coffee tastes more and more like coffee. Tobacco is seen as a godsend.

Over the road, through the sun trails, the adventures of time become more tightly wrapped. I hear a voice say, “Do you know what the rabbit does?” What? There's that rabbit again. Wanting me to go down the rabbit hole. Its actually up the rabbit hole, but why the difference. You go down/up the rabbit hole, and sometimes you forget to come back. You can actually get lost in the rabbit hole. Those side tunnels can be real nightmares.

Down/up the rabbit hole, or through the mirror, its still the same. The adventures can be quite alluring. You get to like it. Its an addiction. You can't get over it. You want more and more.

I am sitting at a small table at the Blackwater, my hands gripping the soup bowl size cup of dark thick coffee. I breath in the strong aroma, anticipating greatly drinking this heavenly brew. I feel myself lifted out, the hush talk of others in the shop bring to whisperings. I hear a voice say out loud, “You do not have the creative use and energy to know or the sacred sight to find. You are in the dark, sometimes with sudden displays of hardly perceptible light marking the outer limits of the changing scenery. You are overpowered in thought by the ample quantity of knowledge, causing you to go into a creative overload”. I feel the silence of the room, as I look around to see who said that, and I see that everyone is looking at me. What? Was it me? I hunch over the table, busy myself sipping my soup bowl size cup of coffee, and wonder. A man walks into the shop with small dog on a leash. He stops beside my table, looks at me with a smile on his face and says, “Some dream, eh?” The man then turns and walks back out the door with the small dog. I sit silently, slowly sipping my coffee from this soup bowl size cup, that strangely enough is always full. Is this really a dream, I think to myself. Or, have I entered another reality. I gaze around the room. As I do the third girl pops into view beside me, smiles at me, winks, and then pops back out of view.
The phone in the shop rings, and I find myself walking on the street toward my house. Well, I think to myself, that was interesting.

Continue to
Part two